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Business Rules

The Business Rules API offers the ability to define different business behaviours for the shipping and payments domains through a set of conditions.

When the merchant installs the app, the app must authenticate with Nuvemshop and create and individual Callback for the domain it supports and for the store that triggered the installation. These Callbacks represent the URL that we are going to consult when applying the rules to know what shipping options, payment options, etc. are applied at checkout.

In our platform, a Callback is created for a specific store.

Note: To create a Business Rules App you need to create an App in the Partners Portal and request our Partner Support Team ( or to enable your app to access our APIs.

Installation flow

Below we have the definition of the API to integrate a new business rule provider. This API is what the partner will use in the installation flow to register with the corresponding configuration. We can see that the URL is composed of the store_id and the domain to which the app corresponds and a token related to the installation of the app. Returns the No Content status on success.


urlStringHTTPS URL where the data will be sent.
eventStringEvent the application will listen. See Events.
domainStringDomain in which the event occurs. See Domains.


There are multiple domains supported on our platform. The app requires certain mandatory scopes in order to work with each domain, as follows:

  • payments: Requires the scopes: read_payment_options, read_payments.
  • shipping: Requires the scopes: read_shipping.
  • location: Requires the scopes: read_locations


The events supported on our platform are:

  • payments/before-filter: Event to filter payments options.
  • shipping/before-filter: Event to filter shipping options.
  • location/prioritization: Event for location prioritization.

Endpoint to create a Callback

Create a callback for a given store.

  • URL: /{*store_id*}/business_rules/integrations/{*domain*}
  • Method: PUT

Callback Object


"url": "",
"event": "payments/before-filter"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Partner's API

In this section we explain that the partner's API must offer an endpoint with the following payload and response definitions. This endpoint represents the callbacks previously mentioned the partner must create.

Callback payload format definition

store_idStringTrueStore where the operation took place.
cart_idNumberif details.action is addId of the cart related to the operation.
currencyStringTrueISO code of the currency of the cart.
detailsDetailsTrueContains all the information related to the event.
productsProductsTrueContains all the information related to products.
customerCustomerTrueContains all the information related to the customer.
shippingShippingif details.domain is shippingContains all the information related to the shipping.
packagePackageif details.domain is shippingContains all the information related to the shipping package.
locationsarray<Locations>if details.domain is locationContains all the information related to the locations.
totalsTotalsif details.domain is payments or shippingContains all the information related to the amount to be charged to the consumer.


eventStringTrueRepresents the moment where the event must be triggered to perform the action. One of: shipping/before-filter, payments/before-filter, location/prioritization .
actionStringTrueRepresents the action to perform. One of: filter.
domainStringTrueRepresents the domain in which the action take place. One of: cart, shipping, payments, locations.
timestampNumberTrueUpdate time.


idNumberTrueId of the product line item.
product_idNumberTrueId of the product.
quantityNumberTrueNumber of products.
stockNumberTrueNumber of products left.
variant_idNumberTrueId of the product variant.
priceStringTruePrice of the product.
categoriesArray<Categories>TrueProduct Categories.


idNumberTrueId of the category.
parentNumberFalseId of the parent Category.
subcategoriesArray<Number>TrueIds of subcategories.


idNumberFalseId of the customer who performed the operation.


countryStringFalseCountry of the place to send the product.
cityStringFalseCity of the place to send the product.
postalcodeStringFalsePostal code of the place to send the product.
costStringFalseShipping cost to send the product.


weightStringTrueWeight of the package to send.


subtotalStringTrueSubtotal of the cart.
total_discountStringTrueTotal discount of the cart.
totalStringTrueTotal of the cart.


Shipping Payload


"store_id": "92760",
"cart_id": 397256730,
"details": {
"event": "shipping/before-filter",
"action": "filter",
"domain": "shipping",
"timestamp": 111111111111
"products": [
"id": 467422732,
"product_id": 645,
"price": "12.00",
"quantity": 4,
"stock": 5,
"variant_id": 33739098,
"categories": [
"id": 11353744,
"parent": null,
"subcategories": [
"id": 11353747,
"parent": 11353744,
"subcategories": []
"customer": {
"id": null
"shipping": {
"country": "AR",
"city": "CABA",
"postalcode": "1414",
"cost": "0.0"
"package": {
"weight": "0.600"
"currency": "ARS",
"totals": {
"subtotal": "30000.00",
"total_discount": "10300.00",
"total": "19700.00"
Payments Payload


"store_id": "92760",
"cart_id": 397256730,
"details": {
"event": "payments/before-filter",
"action": "filter",
"domain": "payments",
"timestamp": 111111111111
"products": [
"id": 467422732,
"product_id": 645,
"price": "12.00",
"quantity": 4,
"stock": 5,
"variant_id": 33739098,
"categories": [
"id": 11353744,
"parent": null,
"subcategories": [
"id": 11353747,
"parent": 11353744,
"subcategories": []
"customer": {
"id": null
"currency": "ARS",
"totals": {
"subtotal": "30000.00",
"total_discount": "10300.00",
"total": "19700.00"
Locations Payload


"store_id": "1",
"cart_id": 397256730,
"details": {
"event": "location/prioritization",
"action": "prioritization",
"domain": "location",
"timestamp": 111111111111
"products": [
"id": 467422732,
"product_id": 645,
"price": "12.00",
"quantity": 4,
"stock": 5,
"variant_id": 33739098,
"categories": [
"id": 11353744,
"parent": null,
"subcategories": [
"id": 11353747,
"parent": 11353744,
"subcategories": []
"customer": {
"id": null
"shipping": {
"country": "BR",
"province": "SP",
"city": "Bragança Paulista",
"postalcode": "12916540",
"cost": "0.0"
"package": {
"weight": "0.600"
"locations": [
"id": "location id",
"name": "location name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12916540",
"street": "Rua Professor Milton Improta",
"number": "95",
"floor": "95",
"locality": "Jardim do Sul",
"reference": null,
"between_streets": null,
"country": "BR",
"region": "Sudeste",
"province": "SP",
"city": "Bragança Paulista"
"priority": 0
"currency": "ARS",
"totals": {
"subtotal": "30000.00",
"total_discount": "10300.00",
"total": "19700.00"

Callback response format definition

commandStringTrueRepresents the name of the command to apply. One of: filter_shipping_options, filter_payments_options, location_prioritization.
/ Array<location-prioritization>
TrueOptions to be filtered or Location prioritization.

Location Prioritization

Location prioritization is crucial for order fulfillment in our cart distribution process. Below are scenarios describing how we select Distribution Centers (DCs) during the checkout process:

Scenario 1: Given a cart with 3 Products
Given the priority order of DCs: DC 2, DC 1, and DC 3
Given DC 1 has Product 1, DC 2 has Product 1 and Product 2, DC 3 has Product 1, Product 2, and Product 3
Given the option "maximize shipment quantity" is active
Then the shipment quantity election result will be 1, starting from DC 3. Despite being the lowest priority, DC 3 can fulfill shipment for all products in the order.

Scenario 2: Given a cart with 2 Products
Given the priority order of DCs: DC 2, DC 1, and DC 3
Given DC 1 has Product 1, DC 2 has Product 2, DC 3 has only Product 1
Given the option "maximize shipment quantity" is active
Then the shipment quantity election result will be 2, starting from DC 1 and DC 2, as no single DC alone can fulfill shipment for all products due to their priority order.

Scenario 3: Given a cart with 3 Products
Given the priority order of DCs: DC 2, DC 1, and DC 3
Given DC 1 has Product 1, DC 2 has Product 1 and Product 2, DC 3 has Product 1, Product 2, and Product 3
Given the option "maximize shipment quantity" is not active
Then the shipment quantity election result will be 2, starting from DC 1 and DC 2. Even though DC 3 could be the starting point for shipment of all products, maximizing option was not enabled.

Scenario 4: Given a cart with 3 Products
When consulting the partner results in Response Status Code 201 but an empty prioritized DCs list
Then the shipment quantity election result will be 0, indicating the purchase cannot be completed as there is no designated starting point for shipment. This scenario indicates a failure in prioritization rules preventing shipment to the consumer destination.

Scenario 5: Given a cart with 3 Products
When consulting the partner results in a failure (e.g., downtime, non-2xx response status code, invalid payload format or and for requests that take longer than 1 second)
Then default prioritization set by the merchant via the locations API will be used. This contingency approach ensures no sales are lost due to unexpected issues, utilizing standard prioritization rules.


  • The script considers not only DCs possessing the Products but also sufficient quantities to fulfill the consumer's cart.
  • Even digital products (non-shippable) adhere to inventory control rules with assigned quantities and DCs, following the same prioritization rules as physical products.

This documentation provides clarity on how location prioritization influences shipment decisions during checkout, ensuring efficient and reliable order fulfillment.

Location Prioritization
FieldTypeIs MandatoryDescription
idStringTRUEId of location.
prioritynumberTRUEpriority for location.
Location prioritization response


"command": "location_prioritization",
"detail": {
"location_prioritization": [
"priority": 0
"priority": 1

Filtered Option

Shipping Filtered Option
idStringTrueId of the shipping carrier.
option_idStringTrueId of the shipping option.
codeStringTrueCode of the shipping option.
Payments Filtered Option
idStringTrueId of the payment provider.
option_idStringTrueId of the payment option.
Payments response


"command": "filter_payments_options",
"detail": {
"filtered_options": [
"id": "70827221-7e59-4c33-bd8c-591f7bad771b",
"option_id": "custom_payment_wire_transfer_production"
"id": "4bf171b5-ab00-4a94-88b9-b1feffcaa99e",
"option_id": "nuvempago_transparent_card"
Shipping response


"command": "filter_shipping_options",
"detail": {
"filtered_options": [
"id": "5bf197053ae0c79f965b4c487fb39c4e",
"option_id": "3287330",
"code": "Andreani2"
"id": "526d880410a07611e20d8e14908facbe",
"option_id": "6534532",
"code": "table-6534532"
Endpoints your app may use to consume data

The endpoints included in this section are available in the Nuvemshop API.

Payment options
GET {store_id}/payment_providers/options

Note: Required Scope: read_payments

Header format
"Authentication": "bearer <access_token>"
Response Format
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"logo_url": "<string>",
"checkout_payment_options": [
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"supported_payment_method_types": "Array<string>",
"integration_type": "<string>"

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Shipping options
GET {store_id}/shipping_carriers/options

Note: Required Scope: read_shipping

Header format
"Authentication": "bearer <access_token>"
Response Format
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"options": [
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"code": "<string>",
"allow_free_shipping": "<boolean>"

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok