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Version: Unstable

Fulfillment Order

An order can now have multiple shipments. Each shipment is described in a new entity called Fulfillment Order.

WIP: This resource is in development and not available yet.

Backward compatibility

Fulfillment Order keeps a backward compatibility with Order Shipping Information. Compare the atributes from orders shipping to fulfillment orders.

Orders V1 to Fulfillment Orders

Order V1Fulfillment Orders
order.shipping_min_daysfulfillment_order.shipping.min_delivery_date (non compatible type)
order.shipping_max_daysfulfillment_order.shipping.max_delivery_date (non compatible type)

Orders Fulfillment Events V1 to Fulfillment Orders Tracking Events

Order Fulfillment Events V1Fulfillment Order Tracking Events
fulfillment_events.cityfulfillment_order.tracking_events.address (non compatible type) *
fulfillment_events.provincefulfillment_order.tracking_events.address (non compatible type) *
fulfillment_events.countryfulfillment_order.tracking_events.address (non compatible type) *
non existsfulfillment_order.tracking_events.geolocation

*It's up to each application to define how the tracking address is represented as a string. The fulfillment event's city, province and country could be informed in fulfilment_order.tracking_events.address by concatenating all the information. Eg.: "Some street 31, Some City, Some State, Some Country".```


read_fulfillment_ordersAllows you to read actions of one or more fulfillment orders for a merchant.
write_fulfillment_ordersAllows you to write actions of one or more fulfillment orders for a merchant.



Field NameField TypeDescription
idIDThe unique fulfillment order. (ULID) identification
numberStringThe unique fulfillment order nice number by store
total_quantityUnsignedIntThe Fulfillment order total line items quantity
total_weightDecimalThe fulfillment order total line items weight
total_priceMoneyThe fulfillment order total line items price
assigned_locationFulfillmentOrderAssignedLocationThe fulfillment order assigned location
line_itemsFulfillmentOrderLineItem[]The fulfillment order line items
recipientFulfillmentOrderRecipientThe fulfillment order recipient
shippingFulfillmentOrderShippingThe fulfillment order shipping
destinationFulfillmentOrderDestinationThe fulfillment order destination
discountsFulfillmentOrderDiscount[]The fulfillment order discounts
statusFulfillmentOrderStatusThe fulfillment order status
status_historyFulfillmentOrderStatusHistory[]The fulfillment order status history. Default: [].
tracking_infoFulfillmentOrderTrackingInfoThe fulfillment order tracking info
tracking_info_historyFulfillmentOrderTrackingInfoHistory[]The fulfillment order tracking info history. Default: []
tracking_eventsFulfillmentOrderTrackingEvent[]The fulfillment order tracking events. Default: [].
fulfilled_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order was sent in ISO 8601 format. Nullable.
created_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order was last created in ISO 8601 format.
updated_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order was last updated in ISO 8601 format.


Field NameField TypeDescription
location_idIDThe fulfillment order assigned location identification
nameStringThe fulfillment order assigned location name
addressAddressThe fulfillment order assigned location address


Field NameField TypeDescription
idIDThe fulfillment order line item id
external_idIDThe order external id
quantityUnsignedIntThe fulfillment order line item quantity
variantFulfillmentOrderLineItemVariantThe fulfillment order line item variant
productFulfillmentOrderLineItemProductThe fulfillment order line item product
unit_priceMoneyThe fulfillment order line item order line line unit price
unit_dimensionFulfillmentOrderLineItemDimensionThe fulfillment order line item order line line unit dimension.
created_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order line item was last created in ISO 8601 format.
updated_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order line item was last updated in ISO 8601 format.
Field NameField TypeDescription
variant_idIDThe fulfillment order line item variant identification.
Field NameField TypeDescription
product_idIDThe fulfillment order line item product identification.
Field NameField TypeDescription
weightDecimalThe fulfillment order line item dimension weight.
widthDecimalThe fulfillment order line item dimension width.
heightDecimalThe fulfillment order line item dimension height.
depthDecimalThe fulfillment order line item dimension depth.


Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe fulfillment order recipient name.
phoneStringThe fulfillment order recipient phone. Optional
identifierStringThe fulfillment order recipient identifier. Optional.


Field NameField TypeDescription
typeFulfillmentOrderShippingTypeThe fulfillment order shipping type.
carrierCarrierThe fulfillment order shipping carrier.
optionOptionThe fulfillment order shipping option.
merchant_costMoneyThe fulfillment merchant shipping option cost.
consumer_costMoneyThe fulfillment consumer shipping option cost.
min_delivery_dateDateTimeThe fulfillment minimum estimated delivery date. Nullable.
max_delivery_dateDateTimeThe fulfillment maximum estimated delivery date. Nullable.
pickup_detailsFulfillmentOrderShippingPickupDetailsThe fulfillment order shipping pickup details. Nullable.
extrasFulfillmentOrderShippingExtraPropertyThe fulfillment order shipping extra properties. Eg. {"free_shipping_id": "123456"}. Nullable.
pickupThe fulfillment order shipping type for pickup point shipping options
shipThe fulfillment order shipping type for ship shipping options
non-shippableThe fulfillment order shipping type for non shippable
Field NameField TypeDescription
location_idStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail identification. Ex.: Location ID, IdCentroImposicion (OCA).
store_branch_idStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail identification for store_branch_id. This field will be deprecated with store branch features in the future.
nameStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup details name
addressAddressThe fulfillment order shipping pickup details pickup point address
pickup_hoursFulfillmentOrderPickupHour[]The fulfillment order shipping pickup details pickup hours. Default: []
Field NameField TypeDescription
dayFulfillmentOrderPickupHourWeekdayThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail pickup the weekday. Eg.: MONDAY.
startStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail pickup hour the start hour. Eg.: 0800
endStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail pickup hour the end hour. Eg.: 1800
Field NameField TypeDescription
free_shipping_infoFreeShippingInfoThe shipping extra property for free shipping information.
phone_requiredBooleanThe shipping option requires a consumer phone number flag indicator.
id_requiredBooleanThe shipping option requires a consumer document number flag indicator.
accepts_codBooleanThe shipping option accepts cash on delivery flag indicator.
show_timeBooleanThe shipping option must show the estimated delivery time flag indicator.
shippableBooleanThe shipping option is shippable, meaning the package will be sent to the consumer or to the pickup point.
Field NameField TypeDescription
free_shipping_idIDThe fulfillment order shipping free shipping info free shipping identification.
consumer_original_costMoneyThe fulfillment order shipping the consumer original cost, without applying the free shipping rules.
MONDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for monday.
TUESDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for tuesday.
WEDNESDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for wednesday.
THURSDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for thursday.
FRIDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for friday.
SATURDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for saturday.
SUNDAYThe fulfillment order pickup hour weekday constant for sunday.


Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe fulfillment order recipient name.
phoneStringThe fulfillment order recipient phone. Optional
identifierStringThe fulfillment order recipient identifier. Optional.


Field NameField TypeDescription
typeFulfillmentOrderDiscountTypeThe discount type.
amountMoneyThe fulfillment order discount amount.
SHIPPINGThe fulfillment order discount by shipping.
PROMOTIONThe fulfillment order discount by promotion.
PAYMENT_METHODThe fulfillment order discount by payment.
TOTAL_OF_DISCOUNTSThe fulfillment order total discounts.


Field NameField TypeDescription
zipcodeStringThe address zipcode. Optional.
streetStringThe address street.
numberStringThe address number. Optional.
floorStringThe address floor. Brazil's complement. Optional.
localityStringThe address locality. Brazil's neighborhood. Optional.
cityStringThe address city name. Optional.
referenceStringThe address reference. Optional.
between_streetsStringThe address between streets. Optional.
provinceProvinceThe address province. Optional.
regionRegionThe address Region. Optional.
countryCountryThe address Country. Optional.


UNPACKEDThe fulfillment initial state, same as not started.
PACKEDThe fulfillment order was packed, same as ready for sending.
DISPATCHEDThe fulfillment order was sent.
READY_FOR_PICKUPThe fulfillment order was ready for pickup.
DELIVEREDThe fulfillment order was fully fulfilled.

The Fulfillment Order Status Workflow has some validations by Fulfillment Order Shipping Type.

Below are the diagrams indicating the expected flows.

  • The solid lines indicate indicates the most common and expected workflow.
  • The dotted lines indicate the alternative allowed workflows.
  • Depending on the fulfillment order's shipping type, certain flows are not applicable. For example, the READY_FOR_PICKUP status applies only to the pickup Shipping Type, while non-shippable Shipping Types expect only the DELIVERED status.
  • It is possible to go back to UNPACKED only from PACKED status.
FulfillmentOrderShippingType as 'ship'

Fulfillment Orders with Shipping Type ship are used for shipping physical products directly to the consumer's home. Ex.: Shipping a t-shirt.

FulfillmentOrderShippingType as 'pickup'

Fulfillment Orders with Shipping Type pickup are used for shipping physical products directly to a pickup point. Ex.: Shipping a t-shirt.

FulfillmentOrderShippingType as 'non-shippable'

Fulfillment Orders with Shipping Type non-shippable are used for shipments of non-physical products to the consumer. Ex: classes sent to the consumer's email.


Field NameField TypeDescription
from_statusFulfillmentOrderStatusThe fulfillment order from status. Nullable.
to_statusFulfillmentOrderStatusThe fulfillment order to status. Nullable.
happened_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order history was happened in ISO 8601 format.
created_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order history was created in ISO 8601 format.


Field NameField TypeDescription
urlStringThe fulfillment order tracking info url. Nullable.
codeStringThe fulfillment order tracking info code. Nullable.


Field NameField TypeDescription
from_tracking_infoFulfillmentOrderTrackingInfoThe fulfillment order from tracking info. Nullable.
to_tracking_infoFulfillmentOrderTrackingInfoThe fulfillment order to tracking info. Nullable.
happened_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order history was happened in ISO 8601 format.
created_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order history was created in ISO 8601 format.
app_idStringApp ID of the app who made this change.
user_idStringUser ID of the person who made this change.


Field NameField TypeDescription
idIDThe fulfillment order tracking event identification. (ULID)
statusFulfillmentOrderTrackingEventStatusThe fulfillment order tracking event status.
descriptionStringThe fulfillment order tracking event description.
addressStringThe fulfillment order tracking event address information. Eg.: "St. Paul 123 - Ciudad - AR 1298". Nullable.
geolocationFulfillmentOrderTrackingEventGeolocationThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation. Nullable.
happened_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order tracking event happened in ISO 8601 format. If Null Assumed NOW
estimated_delivery_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order tracking event estimated delivery at in ISO 8601 format. Nullable.
created_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order tracking event was created in ISO 8601 format.
updated_atDateTimeDate when the fulfillment order tracking event was updated in ISO 8601 format.
dispatchedPackage has been posted by the merchant.
received_by_post_officePackage has been received by the Shipping Carrier.
in_transitPackage is in transit.
out_for_deliveryPackage is out for delivery.
delivery_attempt_failedPackage could not be delivered.
delayedPackage delayed.
ready_for_pickupPackage is ready for pickup.
deliveredPackage was delivered.
returned_to_senderPackage was returned to the sender.
lostPackage lost.
failurePackage delivery failed.
custom_{status}Package any custom status informed by a shipping partner.
Field NameField TypeDescription
longitudeDecimalThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation longitude.
latitudeDecimalThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation latitude.
Field NameField TypeDescription
valueDecimalThe amount value
currencyStringThe isocode currency code
Field NameField TypeDescription
carrier_idStringThe carrier identification. It could be alphanumeric identification like current shipping native methods or shipping carrier id identification.
codeCarrierCodeTypeThe carrier code type.
nameStringThe carrier name.
apiThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from carriers API.
customThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from customs configured by merchant.
localeThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from locales (branchs) configured by merchant.
internationalThe shipping carrier is a shipping from international customs configured by merchant.
nativeThe shipping carrier is a shipping from a internal integration created by Nuvemshop/Tiendanube and configured by merchant.
draftThe shipping carrier is a shipping from draft orders.
defaultThe shipping carrier is a shipping from default orders.
Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe option name.
codeStringThe option code.
referenceStringThe option reference.
allow_free_shippingBooleanThe option allows a free shipping flag indicator. Default: null.
Field NameField TypeDescription
zipcodeStringThe address zipcode. Optional.
streetStringThe address street.
numberStringThe address number. Optional.
floorStringThe address floor. Brazil's complement. Optional.
localityStringThe address locality. Brazil's neighborhood. Optional.
cityStringThe address city name. Optional.
referenceStringThe address reference. Optional.
between_streetsStringThe address between streets. Optional.
provinceProvinceThe address province. Optional.
regionRegionThe address Region. Optional.
countryCountryThe address Country. Optional.
Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe province name.
codeStringThe province code.
Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe region name.
codeStringThe region code.
Field NameField TypeDescription
nameStringThe country name.
codeStringThe country code.


Field NameField TypeDescription
totalUnsignedIntTotal of FulfillmentOrder.
pageUnsignedIntCurrent page.
per_pageUnsignedIntQuantity of FulfillmentOrder per page.
resultsFulfillmentOrder[]List of fulfillment orders.


Field NameField TypeDescription
descriptionStringHttp status description.
messageStringError Message.


Field NameField TypeDescription
descriptionStringHttp status description.
messagesMessage[]List of inputs validation messages.


String[]The error message input. This value is dynamic. Eg.: "shipping.carrier.carrier_id": ["should not be empty", "must be a string"].

Input Request Properties


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
assigned_locationFulfillmentOrderAssignedLocationInputThe fulfillment order assigned location.
line_itemsFulfillmentOrderLineItemInput[]The fulfillment order line item input list.
recipientFulfillmentOrderRecipientInputThe fulfillment order recipient input.
destinationFulfillmentOrderDestinationInputThe fulfillment order destination input.
shippingFulfillmentOrderShippingInputThe fulfillment order shipping input.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
idIDThe fulfillment order assigned location input identification. (ULID)


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
quantityUnsignedIntThe fulfillment order line item input quantity.
order_line_item_idIDThe order line item identification reference.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
nameStringThe fulfillment order recipient input name.
phoneStringThe fulfillment order recipient input phone.
identifierStringThe fulfillment order recipient input identifier.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
typeFulfillmentOrderShippingTypeThe fulfillment order shipping type. Eg.: pickup, ship.
carrierCarrierInputThe fulfillment order shipping carrier input.
optionOptionInputThe fulfillment order shipping option input.
merchant_costMoneyInputThe fulfillment order merchant shipping cost.
consumer_costMoneyInputThe fulfillment order consumer shipping cost.
min_delivery_dateDateTimeThe fulfillment order shipping min delivery date.
max_delivery_dateDateTimeThe fulfillment order shipping max delivery date.
pickup_detailsPickupDetailsInputThe fulfillment order shipping pickup details.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
idStringThe shipping carrier input identification. Eg.: "1234", "correios", "oca".
codeCarrierCodeTypeInputThe shipping carrier input type.
apiThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from carriers API.
customThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from customs configured by merchant.
localeThe shipping carrier is a shipping method from locales (branchs) configured by merchant.
internationalThe shipping carrier is a shipping from international customs configured by merchant.
nativeThe shipping carrier is a shipping from a internal integration created by Nuvemshop/Tiendanube and configured by merchant.
draftThe shipping carrier is a shipping from draft orders.
defaultThe shipping carrier is a shipping from default orders.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
codeStringThe shipping option input code. Eg.: "pac", "sedex".
referenceStringThe shipping option input reference.
allow_free_shippingStringThe shipping option input allows free shipping flag indicator. Default: false.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
location_idStringThe shipping pickup details input identification.
nameStringThe shipping pickup details input name.
addressAddreeInputThe shipping pickup details input address.
pickup_hoursPickupHourInput[]The shipping pickup details input pickup hours. Default: [].
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
dayFulfillmentOrderPickupHourWeekdayThe fulfillment order shipping pickup details the weekday. Eg.: MONDAY
startStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail pickup hour the start hour. Eg.: 0800
endStringThe fulfillment order shipping pickup detail pickup hour the end hour. Eg.: 1800
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
free_shipping_infoFreeShippingInputThe shipping extra property input for free shipping information.
phone_requiredBooleanThe shipping option requires a consumer phone number flag indicator.
id_requiredBooleanThe shipping option requires a consumer document number flag indicator.
accepts_codBooleanThe shipping option accepts cash on delivery flag indicator.
show_timeBooleanThe shipping option must show the estimated delivery time flag indicator.
shippableBooleanThe shipping option is shippable, meaning the package will be sent to the consumer or to the pickup point.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
free_shipping_idIDThe shipping free shipping info input free shipping identification input.
consumer_original_costMoneyThe shipping free shipping info input the consumer original shipping cost.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
zipcodeStringThe fulfillment order destination input zipcode.
streetStringThe fulfillment order destination input street.
numberStringThe fulfillment order destination input number.
floorStringThe fulfillment order destination input floor.
localityStringThe fulfillment order destination input locality.
cityStringThe fulfillment order destination input city name.
referenceStringThe fulfillment order destination input reference.
between_streetsStringThe fulfillment order destination input between streets.
provinceProvinceInputThe fulfillment order destination input province.
regionRegionInputThe fulfillment order destination input region.
countryCountryInputThe fulfillment order destination input country.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
statusFulfillmentOrderStatusThe fulfillment order status input status.


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
codeStringThe fulfillment order tracking info input tracking number.
urlStringThe fulfillment order tracking info input tracking number.
notify_customerBooleanNotify the customer about the fulfillment (the default value is false)


Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
statusFulfillmentOrderTrackingEventStatusThe fulfillment order tracking event input status.
descriptionStringThe fulfillment order tracking event input description.
addressStringThe fulfillment order tracking event input address as one liner address. Ex: St. Julio 123, Ciudad, Argentina.
geolocationFulfillmentOrderTrackingEventGeolocationInputThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation input.
happened_atDateTimeThe fulfillment order tracking event input happened at the event. If null, the event was taken as now.
estimated_delivery_atDateTimeThe fulfillment order tracking event input estimated delivery date time to arrive.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
latitudeDecimalThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation latitude input.
longitudeDecimalThe fulfillment order tracking event geolocation longitude input.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
valueDecimalThe money input value.
currencyStringThe money input currency isocode. Eg.: ARS, BRL.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
zipcodeStringThe fulfillment order address input zipcode.
streetStringThe fulfillment order address input street.
numberStringThe fulfillment order address input number.
floorStringThe fulfillment order address input floor.
localityStringThe fulfillment order address input locality.
cityStringThe fulfillment order address input city name.
referenceStringThe fulfillment order address input reference.
between_streetsStringThe fulfillment order address input between streets.
provinceProvinceInputThe fulfillment order address input province.
regionRegionInputThe fulfillment order address input region.
countryCountryInputThe fulfillment order address input country.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
nameStringThe province input name.
codeStringThe province input code.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
nameStringThe region input name.
codeStringThe region input code.
Field NameField TypeMandatoryNullableDescription
nameStringThe country input name.
codeStringThe country input code.


GET /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders

Retrive all Order Fulfillments from a specific Order.

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrder[]The List of Fulfillment Orders Response.
GET /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders
"number": "123456",
"total_quantity": 12,
"total_weight": 12.12,
"total_price": {
"value": 123.45,
"currency": "BRL"
"assigned_location": {
"location_id": "01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXQTX",
"name": "Location name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP",
"name": "São Paulo"
"region": {
"code": "SE",
"name": "Sudeste"
"country": {
"code": "BR",
"name": "Brasil"
"line_items": [
"id": "01J1QCWJXGNX56JP0NCBS0G711",
"external_id": "123",
"quantity": 1,
"variant": {
"variant_id": "12345678"
"product": {
"product_id": "12345678"
"unit_price": {
"value": 123.45,
"currency": "BRL"
"unit_dimension": {
"weight": 1.23456,
"width": 12.34567,
"height": 12.34567,
"depth": 12.34567
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"recipient": {
"name": "Recipient name",
"phone": "11988864311",
"identifier": "11223344B"
"shipping": {
"type": "pickup|ship",
"carrier": {
"name": "Some Carrier Name",
"carrier_id": "12345",
"code": "api"
"option": {
"name": "Some Option Name",
"code": "some-option-code",
"reference": "some-option-ref",
"allow_free_shipping": true
"merchant_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"consumer_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"min_delivery_date": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"max_delivery_date": "2022-11-25T10:20:19+00:00",
"pickup_details": {
"location_id": "pickup-option-id",
"name": "Some option pickup detail name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"name": "São Paulo",
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"name": "Sudeste",
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"name": "Brasil",
"code": "BR"
"pickup_hours": [
"day": "MONDAY",
"start": "0800",
"end": "1800"
"extras": {
"free_shipping_info": {
"free_shipping_id": "1234567",
"consumer_original_cost": {
"value": 12.34,
"currency": "BRL"
"phone_required": true,
"id_required": true,
"accepts_cod": true,
"show_time": true,
"shippable": true
"discounts": [
"amount": {
"value": 20,
"currency": "BRL"
"destination": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"name": "São Paulo",
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"name": "Sudeste",
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"name": "Brasil",
"code": "BR"
"status": "PACKED",
"status_history": [
"from_status": "UNPACKED",
"to_status": "PACKED",
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"tracking_info": {
"url": "",
"code": "BDJ9999"
"tracking_info_history": [
"from_tracking_info": {
"url": null,
"code": null
"to_tracking_info": {
"url": "",
"code": "BDJ9999"
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T11:29:57.742Z",
"app_id": "1",
"user_id": "1"
"tracking_events": [
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Poul 123, Ciudad - Argentina 1290",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"fulfilled_at": null,
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Error Response

GET /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}

Get a Fulfillment Order By Identifier

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrderThe Fulfillment Order Response.
GET /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS
"number": "123456",
"total_quantity": 12,
"total_weight": 12.12,
"total_price": {
"value": 123.45,
"currency": "BRL"
"assigned_location": {
"location_id": "01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXQTX",
"name": "Location name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP",
"name": "São Paulo"
"region": {
"code": "SE",
"name": "Sudeste"
"country": {
"code": "BR",
"name": "Brasil"
"line_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"variant": {
"variant_id": "12345678"
"product": {
"product_id": "12345678"
"unit_price": {
"value": 123.45,
"currency": "BRL"
"unit_dimension": {
"weight": 1.23456,
"width": 12.34567,
"height": 12.34567,
"depth": 12.34567
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"recipient": {
"name": "Recipient name",
"phone": "11988864311",
"identifier": "11223344B",
"allow_free_shipping": false
"shipping": {
"type": "pickup|ship",
"carrier": {
"name": "Some Carrier Name",
"code": "api",
"carrier_id": "12345"
"option": {
"name": "Some Option Name",
"code": "some-option-code",
"reference": "some-option-ref"
"merchant_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"consumer_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"min_delivery_date": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"max_delivery_date": "2022-11-25T10:20:19+00:00",
"pickup_details": {
"location_id": "pickup-option-id",
"name": "Some option pickup detail name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"name": "São Paulo",
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"name": "Sudeste",
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"name": "Brasil",
"code": "BR"
"pickup_hours": [
"day": "MONDAY",
"start": "0800",
"end": "1800"
"extras": {
"free_shipping_info": {
"free_shipping_id": "1234567",
"consumer_original_cost": {
"value": 12.34,
"currency": "BRL"
"phone_required": true,
"id_required": true,
"accepts_cod": true,
"show_time": true,
"shippable": true
"destination": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"name": "São Paulo",
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"name": "Sudeste",
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"name": "Brasil",
"code": "BR"
"status": "PACKED",
"status_history": [
"from_status": "UNPACKED",
"to_status": "PACKED",
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"tracking_info": {
"url": "",
"code": "BDJ9999"
"tracking_info_history": [
"from_tracking_info": {
"url": null,
"code": null
"to_tracking_info": {
"url": "",
"code": "BDJ9999"
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T11:29:57.742Z",
"app_id": "1",
"user_id": "1"
"tracking_events": [
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Paul 123, Ciudad - Argentina 1290",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"fulfilled_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Error Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order Error Response

DELETE /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}

Delete Fulfillment Order By Identifier

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


HTTP 204 - No Content
DELETE /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
ErrorThe Fulfillment Order Delete Error Response
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Error Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order Error Response

PATCH /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}

Update Fulfillment Order Status, Tracking Info, Destination, Recipient, Shipping, Assigned Location

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


  • Parameters are sent in body, JSON format
  • FulfillmentOrderStatusInput or and FulfillmentOrderTrackingInfoInput or and FulfillmentOrderDestinationInput or and FulfillmentOrderShippingInput or and FulfillmentOrderRecipientInput or and FulfillmentOrderAssignedLocationInput
  • Fulfillment Order Already sent Cannot be Update Destination Information
  • Fulfillment Order Already sent Cannot be Update Shipping Information
  • Fulfillment Order Already sent Cannot be Update Recipient Information
  • Fulfillment Order Already packed or sent Cannot be Update Assigned Location Information
  • If the status is DELIVERED, the fulfillment order will be marked as fulfilled. This means the fulfilled_at field will be filled with the current date and time.

Request Payload

FulfillmentOrderInputThe Fulfillment Order Input.
"status": "PACKED",
"tracking_info": {
"code": "BR123123123AA",
"url": "",
"notify_customer": true
"destination": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"code": "SP"
"country": {
"code": "BR"
"shipping": {
"type": "pickup|ship",
"carrier": {
"carrier_id": "12345",
"code": "api"
"option": {
"code": "some-option-code",
"reference": "some-option-ref",
"allow_free_shipping": true
"merchant_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"consumer_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"min_delivery_date": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"max_delivery_date": "2022-11-25T10:20:19+00:00",
"pickup_details": {
"location_id": "pickup-option-id",
"name": "Some option pickup detail name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"code": "BR"
"pickup_hours": [
"day": "MONDAY",
"start": "0800",
"end": "1800"
"extras": {
"free_shipping_info": {
"free_shipping_id": "1234567",
"consumer_original_cost": {
"value": 12.34,
"currency": "BRL"
"phone_required": true,
"id_required": true,
"accepts_cod": true,
"show_time": true,
"shippable": true
"recipient": {
"name": "Some Name",
"phone": "11988864311",
"identifier": "44112233"
"assigned_location": {
"location_id": "01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5DAD"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrderThe Fulfillment Order Response.
PATCH /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV
"number": "123456",
"status": "PACKED",
"status_history": [
"from_status": "UNPACKED",
"to_status": "PACKED",
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
"fulfilled_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"tracking_info": {
"code": "BR123123123AA",
"url": "",
"notify_customer": true
"tracking_info_history": [
"from_tracking_info": {
"url": null,
"code": null
"to_tracking_info": {
"code": "BR123123123AA",
"url": "",
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T11:29:57.742Z",
"app_id": "1",
"user_id": "1"
"destination": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"name": "São Paulo",
"code": "SP"
"region": {
"name": "Sudeste",
"code": "SE"
"country": {
"name": "Brasil",
"code": "BR"
"shipping": {
"type": "pickup|ship",
"carrier": {
"carrier_id": "12345",
"code": "api",
"name": "Same Carrier Name"
"option": {
"code": "some-option-code",
"reference": "some-option-ref",
"name": "Same Option Name",
"allow_free_shipping": true
"merchant_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"consumer_cost": {
"value": 123.14,
"currency": "BRL"
"min_delivery_date": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"max_delivery_date": "2022-11-25T10:20:19+00:00",
"pickup_details": {
"location_id": "pickup-option-id",
"name": "Some option pickup detail name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP",
"name": "São Paulo"
"region": {
"code": "SE",
"name": "Sudeste"
"country": {
"code": "BR",
"name": "Brasil"
"pickup_hours": [
"day": "MONDAY",
"start": "0800",
"end": "1800"
"extras": {
"free_shipping_info": {
"free_shipping_id": "1234567",
"consumer_original_cost": {
"value": 12.34,
"currency": "BRL"
"phone_required": true,
"id_required": true,
"accepts_cod": true,
"show_time": true,
"shippable": true
"recipient": {
"name": "Some Name",
"phone": "11988864311",
"identifier": "44112233"
"assigned_location": {
"location_id": "01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5DAD",
"name": "Location name",
"address": {
"zipcode": "12910802",
"street": "Some Street",
"number": "100",
"floor": "Some Floor",
"locality": "Some Locality",
"city": "Some City",
"reference": "Some Reference",
"between_streets": "Some Between Streets",
"province": {
"code": "SP",
"name": "São o"
"region": {
"code": "SE",
"name": "Sudeste"
"country": {
"code": "BR",
"name": "Brasil"
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
ErrorThe Fulfillment Order Update Error Response
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response

POST /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}/tracking-events

Create Fulfillment Order Tracking Event

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


  • Parameters are sent in body, JSON format.
  • FulfillmentOrdeTrackingEventInput.
  • Fulfillment Order Must be Already DISPATCHED.
  • If the status is DELIVERED, the fulfillment order will be marked as DELIVERED and fulfilled. This means the fulfilled_at field will be filled with the current date and time.
  • Tracking event will be limited to a maximum of 100 events. An additional 101st event may be delivered.
  • Tracking event must differ from the previous one.

Request Payload

FulfillmentOrderTrackingEventInputThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Input.
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"


HTTP 201 - Created
FulfillmentOrderTrackingEventThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Response.
POST /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV/tracking-events
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
ErrorThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Create Error Response
ErrorThe tracking event must not be identical to the previous tracking event
ErrorTracking events has reached the limit
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response

PUT /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}/tracking-events/{fulfillment_order_tracking_event_id}

Update Fulfillment Order Tracking Event

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier
fulfillment_order_tracking_event_idStringFulfillment Order Tracking Event Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


  • Parameters are sent in body, JSON format
  • FulfillmentOrdeTrackingEventInput
  • Fulfillment Order Must be Already DISPATCHED and not DELIVERED
  • If the status is DELIVERED, the fulfillment order will be marked as DELIVERED and fulfilled. This means the fulfilled_at field will be filled with the current date and time.

Request Payload

FulfillmentOrderTrackingEventInputThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Input.
"status": "in_transit",
"description": "The package was sent to cd address.",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrderTrackingEventThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Response.
PUT /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV/tracking-events/01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXJIO
"status": "in_transit",
"description": "The package was sent to cd address.",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
ErrorThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Update Error Response
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order or Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Error Response

DELETE /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}/tracking-events/{fulfillment_order_tracking_event_id}

DELETE Fulfillment Order Tracking Event

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier
fulfillment_order_tracking_event_idStringFulfillment Order Tracking Event Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


  • Fulfillment Order Must be Already DISPATCHED and not DELIVERED


HTTP 204 - Not Content
DELETE /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV/tracking-events/01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXJIO
HTTP 400 - Bad Request
ErrorThe Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Delete Error Response
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order or Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Error Response

GET /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}/tracking-events

GET All Fulfillment Order Tracking Events By Fulfillment Order

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrderTrackingEvent[]List of Fulfillment Order Tracking Events Response.
GET /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV/tracking-events
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order Error Response

GET /v1/{store_id}/orders/{order_id}/fulfillment-orders/{fulfillment_order_id}/tracking-events/{fulfillment_order_tracking_event_id}

GET Fulfillment Order Tracking Event

URL values

Field nameField TypeMandatoryDescription
store_idStringStore identifier
order_idStringOrder identifier
fulfillment_order_idStringFulfillment Order Identifier
fulfillment_order_tracking_event_idStringFulfillment Order Tracking Event Identifier


HeaderField TypeMandatoryDescription
AuthenticationStringBearer App token. Eg.: bearer {app_token}
Content-typeStringThe request content-type "application/json"


HTTP 200 - Ok
FulfillmentOrderTrackingEventList of Fulfillment Order Tracking Events Response.
GET /v1/1000/orders/123456/fulfillment-orders/01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV/tracking-events/01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXJIO
"status": "dispatched",
"description": "The package was dispatched",
"address": "St. Paul 123, São Paulo - Brazil 02910802",
"geolocation": {
"longitude": 73.856077,
"latitude": 40.848447
"happened_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"estimated_delivery_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00",
"updated_at": "2022-11-24T10:20:19+00:00"
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
ErrorThe Unauthorized Response
HTTP 404 - Not Found
ErrorThe Not Found Fulfillment Order or Fulfillment Order Tracking Event Error Response