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Version: Unstable


An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process. Orders also can be created through the API.

📢 Important 📢

A new Order API with support for multi inventory is currently being rolled out to every merchant.

For any new development, we strongly recommend you to use the new version. Please contact us to activate this new version in your stores if needed.

Table of Contents​

Get all orders

Get an order

Create an order

Update an order

Pay an order

Close an order

Reopen an order

Pack an order

Fulfill an order

Cancel an order

Create an invoice

Read an invoice


idThe unique numeric identifier for the Order. It's different from number
tokenSpecifies the location of the Order
store_idID of the store the order belongs to
contact_emailEmail of the buyer
contact_phonePhone of the buyer
contact_identificationIdentification of the buyer (CPF/CNPJ/DNI/CUIT)
numberUnique numberc identifier for an Order used by the shop owner and customers. It's sequential and starts at 100
completed_atObject containing information about the date when the Order was created. It's the same date than the created_at date, but in a different data type.
attributesA list with the custom attributes for this order
customerCustomer that purchased this Order. Only given if the 'read_customers' scope is set for the app
productsList of the products purchased by the customer. Contents are explained below and values hold are the ones corresponding to the time the products were purchased
noteCustomer's note about the order
owner_noteStore owner's note about the order
couponList of coupons applied to the order
discountTotal value of the discount applied to the price of the order
subtotalPrice of the order before shipping
totalTotal price of the order including shipping and discounts
total_usdTotal price of the order in US dollars
currencyThe total spent's currency in ISO 4217 format
languageOrder's language used by the customer during the checkout process
gatewayID of the payment provider that processed the order payment transaction.
gateway_id[Read-only] External transaction ID used by the payment provider.
gateway_name[Read-only] Name of the payment provider of the order.
shippingThe shipping method used
shipping_pickup_type"ship" if the order is going to be shipped; "pickup" if it's going to be picked up from a store branch
shipping_store_branch_nameIf order is going to be picked up, shows the store branch name
gateway_linkURL of the transaction details page (in the payments app's website). Can be null if the payment app didn't set this URL, or if it's a custom payment method.
shipping_carrier_nameThe shipping carrier name. If shipping method is custom, then null.
shipping_addressThe customer's shipping address where the order will be shipped
shipping_tracking_numberThe shipping tracking number for the order. This may be null if not available
shipping_min_daysThe minimum number of weekdays needed for the order to be delivered
shipping_max_daysThe maximum number of weekdays needed for the order to be delivered
shipping_cost_ownerThe shipping cost the store owner has to pay to the shipping company.
shipping_cost_customerThe shipping cost the customer has to pay to the store owner.
shipping_optionThe shipping option chosen by the customer during the checkout process.
shipping_option_codeThe shipping option code selected by the consumers.
shipping_option_referenceThe shipping option reference provided by a custom shipping carrier during the checkout process.
shipping_pickup_detailsThe shipping pickup details (address and/or business hours) of the selected pickup point.
shipping_tracking_urlThe shipping tracking URL where the customer can check for the shipment status.
billing_nameBilling name for the order
billing_phoneBilling phone for the order
billing_addressBilling address for the order
billing_numberBilling number for the order
billing_floorBilling floor for the order
billing_localityBilling locality for the order
billing_zipcodeBilling zipcode for the order
billing_cityBilling city for the order
billing_provinceBilling province for the order
billing_countryBilling country code for the order
billing_customer_typeBilling customer type (person or company)
billing_business_nameBilling business name
billing_fiscal_regimeThe (Billing Fiscal Regime) is only used in es_MX, and the default is 601. For other countries, the default is null
billing_invoice_useThe (Billing Invoice Use) is only used in es_MX, and the default is G01. For other countries, the default is null
billing_trade_nameBilling trade name
billing_state_registrationBilling state registration
billing_document_typeBilling document type
shipping_suboptionIf shipping_pickup_type is "pickup", then object that contains ID of the pickup option (for internal use). Otherwise, empty array.
extraA JSON object containing custom information. Can be set via the API or through custom form fields of name "extra[key]" on the cart's checkout form in the storefront
storefrontOrigin of the order. Possible values are "store" (order created in the storefront), "meli" (order imported from Mercado Libre), "api" (order created via API), "form" (order created in the admin panel with the draft orders feature) or "pos" (order created via point of sale app)
weightOrder's total weight, in kilograms
cancelled_atDate when the order was cancelled in ISO 8601 format
closed_atDate when the order was closed (archived) in ISO 8601 format
read_atDate when the order was marked as read in ISO 8601 format
statusOrder's status. Possible values are "open", "closed" or "cancelled"
payment_statusOrder's payment status. Possible values are "authorized", "pending", "paid", "abandoned", "refunded" or "voided"
shipping_statusOrder's shipping status. Possible values are "unpacked", "fulfilled" (means "shipped") or "unfulfilled" (means "unshipped")
next_actionNext available operation in the orders flow
payment_detailsA JSON object containing payment details.
shipped_atDate when the Order was shipped in ISO 8601 format
paid_atDate when the order was paid in ISO 8601 format.
cancel_reasonReason why the store owner cancelled an Order. Possible values are "customer", "fraud", "inventory" or "other"
created_atDate when the Order was created in ISO 8601 format. It's the same date than the completed_at date, but in a different data type.
updated_atDate when the Order was last updated in ISO 8601 format
landing_urlURL of the landing page that led to the purchase. If the order was created via API by an app, then null.
client_detailsCustomer details for analytics.
app_idIf the order was created via API by an app, ID of the app. Otherwise, null.
same_billing_and_shipping_address"true" if billing address and shipping address are the same, "false" otherwise.

Property next_action can take one of the following values:

  • noop: no action to take
  • close: order should be closed
  • waiting_ipn: we are waiting for the gateway to update us on the order status, the seller just needs to wait
  • waiting_manual_confirmation: we are waiting for the seller to confirm the transaction
  • waiting_packing: we are waiting for the seller to pack the order items
  • waiting_pickup: we are waiting for the fulfillment provider to pick up the order
  • waiting_client_pickup: we are waiting for the buyer to pick up the order (he shipped it to a seller's B&M store)
  • waiting_shipment: we are waiting for the seller to ship the order

The products field has the following contents:

idID of the line item. A value that uniquely identifies this product within the order.
product_idProduct purchased
variant_idProduct Variant purchased
nameProduct's name at the time of purchase
priceProduct's price at the time of purchase
quantityQuantity purchased
weightProduct's weight at the time of purchase
widthProduct's width at the time of purchase
heightProduct's height at the time of purchase
depthProduct's depth at the time of purchase
free_shippingIndicates if the product has free shipping or not.
issuesPossibles issues that can happen to an order. Contents are explained below.
propertiesAn array with values of custom fields

Important: In our API, it's possible to obtain the same product_id and variant_id in different line items.
Why can this happen? For example, an order may have two units of the same variant, but each with different custom fields.
That's why 2 units (quantity) are not sent in the same line item but are instead sent as separate units with different values in the properties array.

The products.idhas an incremental value, meaning it exceeds the limits of an int32 type and can require support for larger data types, such as int64. It's crucial for the backend to accommodate fields with extended ranges to avoid exceptions that could disrupt the correct import of information.

The issues field has the following content:

PropertyValue ExplanationIssue explanation
unclaimed_stockNumber of items claimed by the user with insufficient stockCan happens due to a race condition while the user is trying to pay the order and another user buys the same item.

Payment Details​

The payment_details field has the following contents:

methodStringPayment method selected.
credit_card_companyStringCredit card company.
installmentsIntegerQuantity of installments.


GET /orders​

Receive a list of all Orders. Make sure to check out our recommendations on best practices for retrieving orders information in our FAQ section below.

since_idRestrict results to after the specified ID
statusShow Orders with a given state. Possible values are "any" (default), "open", "closed" or "cancelled"
channelsRestrict results to the specified sales channel. Possible values are "form" (draft order created via admin or API), "store" (order created in the storefront), "api" (order created via API - doesn't include draft orders), "meli" (order imported from Mercado Libre) or "pos" (order created via point of sale app)
payment_statusShow Orders with a given payment state. Possible values are "any" (default), "pending", "authorized", "paid", "abandoned", "refunded" or "voided"
shipping_statusShow Orders with a given shipping state. Possible values are "any" (default), "unpacked", "unfulfilled" (means "unshipped") or "fulfilled" (means "shipped")
created_at_minShow Orders created after date (ISO 8601 format)
created_at_maxShow Orders created before date (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at_minShow Orders last updated after date (ISO 8601 format)
updated_at_maxShow Orders last updated before date (ISO 8601 format)
total_minShow Orders with total value bigger or equals than the specified value
total_maxShow Orders with total value lower or equals than the specified value
customer_idsRestrict results to the specified customer IDs (comma-separated)
pagePage to show
per_pageAmount of results
fieldsComma-separated list of fields to include in the response
qSearch Orders by the given number; or containing the given text in the customer name or email
app_idShow orders created by a given app
payment_methodsShow orders with a given payment method
payment_providerShow orders with a given payment provider
aggregatesOne possible value: fulfillment_orders. Enables an array called fulfillments that displays the information of the Fulfillment Order. Important: in the list of orders (endpoint GET /orders), it returns partial information of the Fulfillment Order. The full information is only displayed if a single order is queried (endpoint GET /orders/{id}).

GET /orders​

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"id": 871254203,
"token": "b872a1befbcde5aaf0517ecbcc910f5dc005350e",
"store_id": "817495",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_name": "Maria Silva",
"contact_phone": "+551533276436",
"contact_identification": "75839566500",
"shipping_min_days": null,
"shipping_max_days": null,
"billing_name": "Maria",
"billing_phone": "+551533276436",
"billing_address": "Rua Doutor Azevedo Sampaio",
"billing_number": "50",
"billing_floor": "",
"billing_locality": "Centro",
"billing_zipcode": "18010220",
"billing_city": "Sorocaba",
"billing_province": "São Paulo",
"billing_country": "BR",
"shipping_cost_owner": "0.00",
"shipping_cost_customer": "0.00",
"coupon": [],
"promotional_discount": {
"id": null,
"store_id": 817495,
"order_id": "871254203",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"total_discount_amount": "0.00",
"contents": [],
"promotions_applied": []
"subtotal": "6000.00",
"discount": "600.00",
"discount_coupon": "0.00",
"discount_gateway": "600.00",
"total": "5400.00",
"total_usd": "40.79",
"checkout_enabled": true,
"weight": "0.000",
"currency": "ARS",
"language": "es",
"gateway": "offline",
"gateway_id": null,
"gateway_name": "Transferencia Bancaria",
"shipping": "table",
"shipping_option": "Envio Personalizado 1",
"shipping_option_code": "table_6103303",
"shipping_option_reference": null,
"shipping_pickup_details": null,
"shipping_tracking_number": null,
"shipping_tracking_url": null,
"shipping_store_branch_name": null,
"shipping_pickup_type": "ship",
"shipping_suboption": [],
"extra": {},
"storefront": "store",
"note": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"completed_at": {
"date": "2022-11-15 19:36:59.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"next_action": "waiting_manual_confirmation",
"payment_details": {
"method": "custom",
"credit_card_company": null,
"installments": 1
"same_billing_and_shipping_address": false,
"attributes": [],
"customer": {
"id": 105799009,
"name": "Maria Silva",
"email": "",
"identification": "75839566500",
"phone": "+551533276436",
"note": null,
"default_address": {
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"default": true,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 80189931,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"zipcode": "10451"
"addresses": [
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"default": true,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 80189931,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"zipcode": "10451"
"billing_name": "Maria",
"billing_phone": "+551533276436",
"billing_address": "Rua Doutor Azevedo Sampaio",
"billing_number": "50",
"billing_floor": "",
"billing_locality": "Centro",
"billing_zipcode": "18010220",
"billing_city": "Sorocaba",
"billing_province": "São Paulo",
"billing_country": "BR",
"extra": {},
"total_spent": "27.00",
"total_spent_currency": "USD",
"last_order_id": 871254203,
"active": false,
"first_interaction": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000"
"products": [
"id": 1069053829,
"depth": "0.00",
"height": "0.00",
"name": "Mesa de Roble",
"price": "6000.00",
"compare_at_price": "37.77",
"product_id": 111334785,
"image": {
"id": 277896749,
"product_id": 111334785,
"src": "",
"position": 1,
"alt": [],
"created_at": "2022-02-14T13:00:03+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-10-28T21:52:37+0000"
"quantity": "1",
"free_shipping": false,
"weight": "0.00",
"width": "0.00",
"variant_id": "426215948",
"variant_values": [],
"properties": [],
"sku": "12389012348124801234890",
"barcode": null
"number": 306,
"cancel_reason": null,
"owner_note": null,
"cancelled_at": null,
"closed_at": null,
"read_at": null,
"status": "open",
"payment_status": "pending",
"gateway_link": null,
"shipping_carrier_name": null,
"shipping_address": {
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:23:59+0000",
"default": false,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 0,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"zipcode": "10451",
"customs": null
"shipping_status": "unpacked",
"shipped_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"landing_url": "",
"client_details": {
"browser_ip": "",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"app_id": null

GET /orders?fields=id,number,price_usd​

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"id": 450789469,
"number": "101",
"price_usd": "58.00"

GET /orders/{id}​

Receive a single Order

fieldsComma-separated list of fields to include in the response

GET /orders/871254203​

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"id": 871254203,
"token": "b872a1befbcde5aaf0517ecbcc910f5dc005350e",
"store_id": "817495",
"contact_email": "",
"contact_name": "Maria Silva",
"contact_phone": "+551533276436",
"contact_identification": "75839566500",
"shipping_min_days": null,
"shipping_max_days": null,
"billing_name": "Maria",
"billing_phone": "+551533276436",
"billing_address": "Rua Doutor Azevedo Sampaio",
"billing_number": "50",
"billing_floor": "",
"billing_locality": "Centro",
"billing_zipcode": "18010220",
"billing_city": "Sorocaba",
"billing_province": "São Paulo",
"billing_country": "BR",
"billing_customer_type": "company",
"billing_business_name": "Nuvem Shop LTDA",
"billing_trade_name": "Nuvem Shop",
"billing_state_registration": "388108598269",
"billing_fiscal_regime": "601",
"billing_invoice_use": "G01",
"billing_document_type": "cnpj",
"shipping_cost_owner": "0.00",
"shipping_cost_customer": "0.00",
"coupon": [],
"promotional_discount": {
"id": null,
"store_id": 817495,
"order_id": "871254203",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"total_discount_amount": "0.00",
"contents": [],
"promotions_applied": []
"subtotal": "6000.00",
"discount": "600.00",
"discount_coupon": "0.00",
"discount_gateway": "600.00",
"total": "5400.00",
"total_usd": "40.79",
"checkout_enabled": true,
"weight": "0.000",
"currency": "ARS",
"language": "es",
"gateway": "offline",
"gateway_id": null,
"gateway_name": "Transferencia Bancaria",
"shipping": "table",
"shipping_option": "Envio Personalizado 1",
"shipping_option_code": "table_6103303",
"shipping_option_reference": null,
"shipping_pickup_details": null,
"shipping_tracking_number": null,
"shipping_tracking_url": null,
"shipping_store_branch_name": null,
"shipping_pickup_type": "ship",
"shipping_suboption": [],
"extra": {},
"storefront": "store",
"note": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"completed_at": {
"date": "2022-11-15 19:36:59.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"next_action": "waiting_manual_confirmation",
"payment_details": {
"method": "custom",
"credit_card_company": null,
"installments": 1
"same_billing_and_shipping_address": false,
"attributes": [],
"customer": {
"id": 105799009,
"name": "Maria Silva",
"email": "",
"identification": "75839566500",
"phone": "+551533276436",
"note": null,
"default_address": {
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"default": true,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 80189931,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"zipcode": "10451"
"addresses": [
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"default": true,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 80189931,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"zipcode": "10451"
"billing_name": "Maria",
"billing_phone": "+551533276436",
"billing_address": "Rua Doutor Azevedo Sampaio",
"billing_number": "50",
"billing_floor": "",
"billing_locality": "Centro",
"billing_zipcode": "18010220",
"billing_city": "Sorocaba",
"billing_province": "São Paulo",
"billing_country": "BR",
"extra": {},
"total_spent": "27.00",
"total_spent_currency": "USD",
"last_order_id": 871254203,
"active": false,
"first_interaction": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:36:59+0000"
"products": [
"id": 1069053829,
"depth": "0.00",
"height": "0.00",
"name": "Mesa de Roble",
"price": "6000.00",
"compare_at_price": "37.77",
"product_id": 111334785,
"image": {
"id": 277896749,
"product_id": 111334785,
"src": "",
"position": 1,
"alt": [],
"created_at": "2022-02-14T13:00:03+0000",
"updated_at": "2022-10-28T21:52:37+0000"
"quantity": "1",
"free_shipping": false,
"weight": "0.00",
"width": "0.00",
"variant_id": "426215948",
"variant_values": [],
"properties": [],
"sku": "12389012348124801234890",
"barcode": null
"number": 306,
"cancel_reason": null,
"owner_note": null,
"cancelled_at": null,
"closed_at": null,
"read_at": null,
"status": "open",
"payment_status": "pending",
"gateway_link": null,
"shipping_carrier_name": null,
"shipping_address": {
"address": "Evergreen Terrace",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"created_at": "2022-11-15T19:23:59+0000",
"default": false,
"floor": "Apartment 8",
"id": 0,
"locality": "Bronx",
"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "",
"province": "New York",
"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:37:08+0000",
"zipcode": "10451",
"customs": null
"shipping_status": "unpacked",
"shipped_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"landing_url": "",
"client_details": {
"browser_ip": "",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"app_id": null

POST /orders/​

Create an Order.

currencyThe order currency code (ISO 4217 format). The default is the store currency.No
languageThe language code (ISO 639-1 format). The default is the store main language.No
gatewayThe order's payment gateway (Payment Gateway). The default is not-provided.Yes
payment_statusThe order's payment status (Payment Status). The default is pending.No
statusThe order's status (Order Status). The default is open.No
fulfillmentThe order's status (Order Status). The default is unpacked.No
productsOrder's products list (Product).Yes
totalThe sum of all products prices, shipping costs and discounts. Must be positive. If not specified, it's calculated considering the provided costs and discounts.No
inventory_behaviourThe inventory behaviour that the order must perform (Inventory Behaviour).No
customerThe customer object (Customer).Yes
noteAn additional customer note for the order.No
billing_addressThe customer's billing address object (Address).Yes
shipping_addressThe customer's shipping address object (Address).Yes
shipping_pickup_typeThe shipping pickup type (Shipping Type). The default is pickup.Yes
shippingThe shipping method (Shipping Method). The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).Yes
shipping_optionThe order's shipping option nice name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).Yes
shipping_tracking_numberThe order's shipping tracking numberNo
shipping_cost_customerThe customer's shipping cost double value. The value 0 means free shipping. The default is 0.Yes
shipping_cost_ownerThe owner's shipping cost double value.No
send_confirmation_emailSend the order confirmation email to the customer . The default is false.No
send_fulfillment_emailSend the order fulfillment email to the customer . The default is false.No
location_idLocation id from where the stock will be decreased . Must be string.No



nameThe customer's name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
emailThe customer's email address. The defaults are for pt_BR and in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).E-mailYes
phoneThe customer's phone numberStringNo
documentThe customer's document numberStringNo


first_nameThe customer's first name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
last_nameThe customer's last name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
addressThe customer's street. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
numberThe address's number. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
floorThe address's complement. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringNo
localityThe address's locality. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringNo
cityThe address's city. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
provinceThe address's province. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
zipcodeThe address's postal code. The default is 0000.StringYes
countryThe address's country (ISO 3166-1 Format). The default is the store country.StringYes
phoneThe address's phone number.StringNo


first_nameThe customer's first name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
last_nameThe customer's last name. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
addressThe customer's street. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
numberThe shipping_address number. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
floorThe shipping_address complement. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringNo
localityThe shipping_address locality. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringNo
cityThe shipping_address city. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
provinceThe shipping_address province. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringYes
zipcodeThe shipping_address postal code. The default is 0000.StringYes
countryThe shipping_address country (ISO 3166-1 Format). The default is the store country.StringYes
phoneThe shipping_address phone number. The defaults are Não informado for pt_BR and No informado in every other cases (es_AR, es_MX, es_CO).StringNo
customsThe customs fields of the shipping address. this field can receive any custom value within the object. The default is nullObjectNo


variant_idThe product variant IDIntegerYes
quantityThe product quantityIntegerYes
priceThe item price. Defaults to tiendanube's product variant price.DoubleNo

Order Status​

openThe order is open
closedThe order is closed
cancelledThe order is cancelled

Payment Status​

pendingThe payment confirmation is pending
authorizedThe payment was authorized but not captured yet
paidThe payment was successfully confirmed and captured
voidedThe payment confirmation is voided
refundedThe payment was refunded to the customer
abandonedThe payment confirmation is abandoned

Payment Gateway​

offlineOffline payment gateway
mercadopagoMercado Pago
not-providedThe payment gateway is not provided

Shipping Type​

shipHome delivery
pickupPickup in a physical location

Shipping Method​

branchStore branches
correiosBrazilian Correios
correo-argentinoCorreo Argentino
not-providedThe shipping method was not provided

Inventory Behaviour​

bypassDo not claim inventory (default)
claimAttempt to claim inventory, it could prevent order creation

Billing Fiscal Regime​

The Billing Fiscal Regime is only used in es_MX (Régimen fiscal).

601General de Ley Personas Morales (default)
603Personas Morales con Fines no Lucrativos
610Residentes en el Extranjero sin Establecimiento Permanente en México
620Sociedades Cooperativas de Producción que optan por diferir sus ingresos
622Actividades Agrícolas, Ganaderas, Silvícolas y Pesqueras
623Opcional para Grupos de Sociedades
624Attempt to claim inventory, it could prevent order creation
626Régimen Simplificado de Confianza

Billing Invoice Use​

The Billing Invoice Use is only used in es_MX (Uso de factura).

G01General de Ley Personas Morales (default)
G02Devoluciones, descuentos o bonificaciones
G03Gastos en general
I02Mobiliario y equipo de oficina por inversiones
I03Equipo de transporte
I04Equipo de computo y accesorios
I05Dados, troqueles, moldes, matrices y herramental
I06Comunicaciones telefónicas
I07Comunicaciones satelitales
I08Otra maquinaria y equipo
S01Sin efectos fiscales

POST /orders/​

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

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"billing_phone": "51230413",
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"billing_city": "New York",
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"shipping_option_code": null,
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"shipping_pickup_details": null,
"shipping_tracking_number": null,
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"country": "US",
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"phone": "No informado",
"province": "No informado",
"updated_at": "2021-09-24T14:02:57+0000",
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"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:47:32+0000",
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"app_id": 2181

PUT /orders/{id}​

Change an Order's attributes (just owner_note for now) and/or update an Order's status

PUT /orders/871310835​

"owner_note": "Need to gift wrap this order",
"status": "closed"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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"contact_identification": null,
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"billing_phone": "51230413",
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"billing_zipcode": "10451",
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"name": "John Doe",
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"phone": "+55 11 99999-9999",
"note": null,
"default_address": {
"address": "No informado",
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"country": "AR",
"created_at": "2021-09-24T14:02:57+0000",
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"number": "No informado",
"phone": "No informado",
"province": "No informado",
"updated_at": "2021-09-24T14:02:57+0000",
"zipcode": "0000"
"addresses": [
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"country": null,
"created_at": "2020-09-11T18:06:09+0000",
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"id": 28900058,
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"name": "John Doe",
"number": "742",
"phone": "5551230413",
"province": "Oregon",
"updated_at": "2020-09-11T18:06:09+0000",
"zipcode": "97475"
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"city": "Springfield",
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"billing_zipcode": "10451",
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"billing_province": "New York",
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"extra": {},
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"updated_at": "2022-11-15T19:49:48+0000",
"zipcode": "0000",
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"app_id": 2181

Pay an Order​

In fact, there is no action to pay an order. Orders are paid when sending a Transaction with status success, regardless of the event (sale or capture).

After payment, two order's attributes get modified: attribute payment_status receives "paid" and attribute paid_at receives the exact time the payment was processed.

"payment_status": "paid",
"paid_at": "2022-11-07T12:17:22+0000"

POST /orders/{id}/close​

Close an Order

POST /orders/871310835/close​

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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POST /orders/{id}/open​

Re-open a closed Order

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POST /orders/{id}/pack​

Pack an Order

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Fulfill an Order

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POST /orders/871310835/fulfill​

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"updated_at": "2021-09-24T14:02:57+0000",
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"updated_at": "2021-09-27T15:39:31+0000",
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"created_at": "2021-09-27T15:43:15+0000",
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"app_id": 2181

POST /orders/{id}/cancel​

Cancel an Order

reasonThe reason for the order cancellation. Possible values are "customer", "inventory", "fraud" or "other"
emailNotify the customer of the cancellation (the default value is true)
restockRestock the store's products (the default value is true)

POST /orders/871310835/cancel​

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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"token": "d928449fdd060fb7f3854c681923c28cfbccbcc1",
"store_id": 817495,
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"contact_identification": null,
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Invoices (e.g. NFe in Brazil)​

We currently do not offer an Invoice API, but there are many apps which need to read and/or write invoice information. The way to achieve this is using Metafields.

The advantage of using Metafields is that a certain app could generate the invoice and another app can read it. Let's take a real Brazilian example: an ERP can generate the nota fiscal (NFe) and a Shipping Carrier can use that NFe to fulfill a shipment.

Create an invoice​

An Order may have more than one invoice, so we will have a Metafield that holds a list of invoices. It's the responsbility of invoice producers to make sure this format is maintained when new invoices are added.

When adding a new invoice you have to append it to the list of NFEs adding both the NFe key (generated when created) and the link to the NFe XML and an optional fulfillment_order_id specifying the Fulfillment Order the NFe applies to. The value of the metafields holds a json encoded string representation of the NFEs' list; the list is an array of object that have key and link properties. The value of owner_id should hold the Order id.

Example: let's say we want to add a new NFe with key 55555555555555555555555555555 and link assigned to the Fulfillment Order with id 01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS.

To make sure other apps can read the invoice you create, please use this example as-is.

First we have to check if the NFe metafield already exists.

GET /metafields/orders?per_page=1&owner_id=ORDER_ID&namespace=nfe&key=list&fields=id,value

This will return an empty array if the NFe metafield does not exist.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


or an aray with one object with the id and value in case it exists.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"id": 12345,
"value": "[{\"key\": \"44444444444444444444444444444\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}]",
If the NFe list metafield does not exist​

We need to create a new metafield. Please note that value is a JSON encoded string so for it to be valid JSON all double quotes must be escaped.

POST /metafields

"namespace": "nfe",
"key": "list",
"value": "[{\"key\": \"55555555555555555555555555555\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}]",
"description": "Lista de NFes",
"owner_resource": "Order",
"owner_id": 12345678

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

"id": 12345,
"namespace": "nfe",
"key": "link",
"value": "[{\"key\": \"55555555555555555555555555555\", link: \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}]",
"description": "Lista de NFes",
"owner_resource": "Order",
"owner_id": 12345678,
"created_at": "2015-01-02 20:27:51",
"updated_at": "2015-01-02 20:27:51",
"deleted_at": null
If the NFe list metafield already existed​

We now have to append our NFe to the existing array and update the metafield using the metafield id.

PUT /metafields/METAFIELD_ID

"value": "[{\"key\": \"44444444444444444444444444444\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}, {\"key\": \"55555555555555555555555555555\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV\"}]"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"id": 12345,
"namespace": "nfe",
"key": "list",
"value": "[{\"key\": \"44444444444444444444444444444\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}, {\"key\": \"55555555555555555555555555555\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV\"}]",
"description": "Lista de NFes",
"owner_resource": "Order",
"owner_id": 12345678,
"created_at": "2015-01-02 20:27:51",
"updated_at": "2015-01-05 18:15:40",
"deleted_at": null

Please take into account that JSON arrays do not allow trailing commas.

Read an invoice​

To read an invoice we need to search for the previously created metafield holding the invoice.

GET /metafields/orders?per_page=1&owner_id=ORDER_ID&namespace=nfe&key=list&fields=value

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"value": "[{\"key\": \"44444444444444444444444444444\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01FHZXHK8PTP9FVK99Z66GXASS\"}, {\"key\": \"55555555555555555555555555555\", \"link\": \"\", \"fulfillment_order_id\": \"01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV\"}]",

You can then JSON decode the value to access the list of NFEs.

Note: you can still use the old method of sending the NFe key and url as two separate metafields, but we recommend migrating to this new method as it is now the preferred method for NFe consumers as it allows to receive multiple NFes supporting orders with multiple fulfillments.


What are our recommendations on best practices for retrieving orders information?

We at Tiendanube are a platform concerned with balancing cost x resilience x security of our APIs, so we recommend following some practices that we consider healthy when interacting with orders.


  • Rate Limit: in order to control the incoming traffic from the API
  • Pagination: to make sure responses are easier to handle


  • Loop calls: avoid frequent loop calls - many times these calls are unnecessary as the resource has not changed and the response will be the same as before.
  • Import by period: to avoid loop calls, you can use import by period, which consists of defining time intervals for imports. Ex: first import takes orders from 01/01/2023 to 01/03/2023, the second import takes orders from 01/04/2023 to 01/06/2023 and so on. For this case, you can use the parameters created_at_min and created_at_max to import orders by period.


  • Import orders using Webhooks: an even better alternative than importing by period is to create orders webhooks to be notified as soon as there is an interaction with a resource (create, retrieve, update, delete).
  • Use Specific Webhooks: there are all kinds of Webhooks. Therefore, we encourage our partners to only use those that apply to their use case. Example: if you need to know when an order was packed, create a webhook for order/packed and not order/updated, which in turn notifies the user of any changes to the order. Creating the order/updated webhook would generate several non-applicable notifications to the partner, which in turn would make several unnecessary queries to the Tiendanube API.
  • Order/paid Webhook: the order/paid webhook notifies the partner that the order has been paid. After payment, two order's attributes get modified: attribute payment_status receives "paid" and attribute paid_at receives the exact time the payment was processed. Therefore, it is not necessary to send a request to Tiendanube, since the gateway field (which contains the payment method used by the customer) will already have been filled in at the time of creating the order and can be obtained if the partner has created the webhook for order/created.
Orders placed via API do not update stock?

The Tiendanube API has the ability to create orders without reserving stock. It depends on the inventory behavior parameter. If it's claim, it reserves stock. If it's bypass skips the stock reserve.

Things to take into account when implementing a Subscription App

Usually a Subscription App works this way: a consumer places an Order for the first time and the subsequent orders are created through API. The first order will be created without any problems or lack of information, that is, order will appear as paid on Tiendanube's Admin and you will be able to see information regarding transactions (external_id and external_url). That's because the order was created through Tiendanube's Checkout by selecting the payment provider.

On the other hand, because the subsequent orders are created through API, the Merchant won't be able to see which payment processor created the order. Besides that, even though the Partners tries to create transaction to provide more info (external_id and external_url) on the order, the transaction won't be read by order since it was created through API, as mentioned before.

Despite this "limitations", we recommend creating the subsequent order as paid and put more info (external_id and external_url) on a field called owner_note, which is visible to the Merchant. This way, we guarantee the Merchant will see the Order as paid to perform the next steps (packing and shipping) and will also be able to see more details about the payment processing directly through the order detail.

Only Argentinian stores: How to know when the buyer requested a 'Factura A' during checkout?

In checkout, we have the following checkbox available: image

When it is checked, the following fields are sent with information:

  • billing_customer_type: "company"
  • billing_business_name: "{value_of_business_name}"
  • billing_document_type: "cuit"

If it is not checked, those fields are sent as null.