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Version: Unstable


The Dispute API is designed to collect chargeback data from our Payments partners whenever a financial dispute is initiated. With this API, partners can create up to three disputes for a specific store, order, and transaction, including details such as the reason, evidence, and dispute amount. Additionally, the API supports updating the status and evidence of a dispute and retrieving details for a single dispute.

Dispute States

A dispute can have four states: needs_response, under_review, won, and lost. When a dispute is created, it always starts in the needs_response state and can then transition to the other states according to the following logic:

Valid Transitions

  • needs_response -> under_review -> won: The merchant submits evidence, the dispute is reviewed, and the resolution favors the merchant (state won).
  • needs_response -> under_review -> lost: The merchant submits evidence, the dispute is reviewed, and the resolution favors the consumer (state lost).
  • needs_response -> won: The merchant wins the dispute directly without going through under_review (this could happen if evidence is not required or is validated without review).
  • needs_response -> lost: The merchant loses the dispute directly without going through under_review (this could happen if the dispute is rejected without review).

API Endpoints

The Dispute API consists of three endpoints, defined in Nuvemshop's public API as follows:

  • POST /disputes: Creates a dispute associated with an order and a transaction.

  • PUT /disputes: Updates the details of an existing dispute.

  • GET /disputes: Retrieves information about a dispute related to an order.

The token provided in the headers of the Dispute API endpoints is used to validate that the partner's application has the necessary scope to perform actions on the API. The required scope for these actions is write_payments. Additionally, the app_id associated with the token is used to filter disputes created by that application, ensuring that only disputes linked to the corresponding app_id can be accessed or modified. This mechanism ensures that partners can only interact with disputes for which they have specific permissions.

POST /disputes

This endpoint will create a new Dispute in the needs_response state.

  • Payload: See Payload
  • Headers: {"Authentication": "Bearer <access_token>"}
  • Response:
    • Status: 201
    • Body: {"id": "<id>"}

POST Payload

reason_codeOne of: ReasonCodeTrueCode that identifies the reason why the dispute was created.
external_reason_codeStringTrueCode that identifies the reason for the dispute according to the card operator.
amountMoneyTrueAmount of the dispute.
evidence_urlStringFalseHTTPS URL to access dispute details on the payment provider.
evidence_sent_atDate (ISO 8601 format)FalseDate when the evidence for the dispute was sent.
initiated_atDate (ISO 8601 format)TrueDate when the dispute was registered.
evidence_due_atDate (ISO 8601 format)FalseDeadline to submit evidence for the dispute.

Reason Codes

bank_cannot_processStringThe bank was unable to process the transaction, possibly due to a system error or malfunction.
check_returnedStringA check related to the transaction was returned unpaid by the bank.
credit_not_processedStringThe credit or refund promised to the cardholder was not processed or received.
customer_initiatedStringThe cardholder initiated the dispute, often due to dissatisfaction or unrecognized transaction.
debit_not_authorizedStringThe debit transaction was not authorized by the cardholder.
duplicate_transactionStringThe transaction is a duplicate of another transaction that has already been processed.
fraudulent_activityStringThe transaction is suspected to be fraudulent or unauthorized by the cardholder.
incorrect_account_detailsStringThe transaction was processed with incorrect account details, such as an incorrect account number.
insufficient_fundsStringThe cardholder's account had insufficient funds to cover the transaction amount.
product_not_receivedStringThe cardholder claims they did not receive the product or service purchased.
product_unacceptableStringThe cardholder received the product or service but found it to be defective, damaged, or not as described.
subscription_canceledStringThe cardholder was charged for a subscription or recurring service after they had canceled it.
unrecognizedStringThe cardholder does not recognize the transaction on their statement and believes it may be unauthorized.


valueStringAmount of money as a string. E.g. "49.99".
currencyStringISO 4217 code for the currency, such as ARS, BRL, USD, etc.

Note: Decimal numbers are represented as string format for better decimal precision handling. It must contain two decimal places and use a point as decimal separator.


Request Example





"Authentication": "Bearer 12b2617c3362d9805cdf89079c4c99f928504eda",
"Content-Type": "application/json"


"reason_code": "fraudulent_activity",
"external_reason_code": "fraud",
"amount": {
"value": "11.00",
"currency": "ARS"
"initiated_at": "2024-12-02T12:30:15.123Z",
"evidence_url": "",
"evidence_sent_at": "2024-12-05T12:30:15.123Z",
"evidence_due_at": "2024-12-10T12:30:15.123Z"
Response Example


"id": "67654a1d7f0000f100f03533"

PUT /disputes

This endpoint will update an existing Dispute, allowing it to transition to other states. It is important to note that attributes related to evidence can be updated or specified for the first time (if they were not provided during creation). Additionally, in the case of reaching any terminal state, the end date must be specified.

  • URL: PUT
  • Payload: See Payload
  • Headers: {"Authentication": "Bearer <access_token>"}
  • Response:
    • Status: 204

PUT Payload

statusString. One of: needs_response, under_review, won, lostTrueStatus of the dispute.
evidence_urlStringFalse. Ignored if status == won or status == lostHTTPS URL to access dispute details on the payment provider.
evidence_sent_atDate (ISO 8601 format)False. Ignored if status == won or status == lostDate when the evidence for the dispute was sent.
closed_atDate (ISO 8601 format)False. Ignored if status != won or status != lostDate when the dispute was closed.


Request Example





"Authentication": "Bearer 12b2617c3362d9805cdf89079c4c99f928504eda",
"Content-Type": "application/json"


"status": "won",
"closed_at": "2024-12-02T12:30:15.123Z"

GET /disputes

  • URL: GET
  • Headers: {"Authentication": "Bearer <access_token>"}
  • Response:

GET Response

idStringID of the dispute.
store_idStringID of the store.
order_idStringID of the order.
transaction_idStringID of the transaction related to the dispute.
reason_codeOne of: ReasonCodeCode that identifies the reason why the dispute was created.
external_reason_codeStringCode that identifies the reason for the dispute according to the card operator.
amountMoneyAmount of the dispute.
initiated_atDate (ISO 8601 format)Date when the dispute was registered.
evidence_urlString|NullURL to access dispute details on the payment provider.
evidence_sent_atDate (ISO 8601 format)|NullDate when the evidence for the dispute was sent.
closed_atDate (ISO 8601 format|NullDate when the dispute was closed.
statusString. One of: needs_response, under_review, won, lostCurrent status of the dispute with its associated data.
evidence_due_atDate (ISO 8601 format)|NullDeadline to submit evidence for the dispute.
historyArray<StateHistory>List of previous states of the dispute.


statusString. One of: needs_response, under_review, won, lostState to which the dispute transitioned.
transitioned_atDate (ISO 8601 format)Date when the dispute transitioned.


Request Example





"Authentication": "Bearer 12b2617c3362d9805cdf89079c4c99f928504eda",
"Accept": "application/json"
Response Example


"id": "67654a1d7f0000f100f03533",
"store_id": "1020559",
"app_id": "1234",
"order_id": "1612216732",
"transaction_id": "02aaa5c6-080a-40e9-a61f-90ca2150d6a2",
"reason_code": "fraudulent_activity",
"external_reason_code": "fraud",
"amount": {
"value": "11.00",
"currency": "ARS"
"initiated_at": "2024-12-02T12:30:15.123Z",
"evidence_url": "",
"evidence_sent_at": "2024-12-05T12:30:15.123Z",
"closed_at": "2024-12-02T12:30:15.123Z",
"status": "won",
"evidence_due_at": "2024-12-10T12:30:15.123Z",
"history": [
"status": "needs_response",
"transitioned_at": "2024-12-02T12:30:15.123Z"
"status": "won",
"transitioned_at": "2024-12-20T10:42:45.086783Z"